Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Maura Weir Homework #5

     While watching the video "Doofy Husbands: Target Women" I thought it was very funny but over exaggerated. The part i find the funniest is when she is talking about a guy before he is married. Before the guy is married he will try and impress his girl friend, but as time goes by he is comfortable with her so he doesn't try as hard. But the part i found exaggerated was when she says "we work, we take care of our children, and we do it all without a shread of help from those lumbering man beasts know as husbands." In our day i do believe that men help take care of a family. I don't think men are incapable of taking care of a family.
     While watching Troopes vs. Women i found her to be very sarcastic. I agree with some of her points but others are are like the other video, sarcastic. I like the one quote by her when she says that women have their own brilliant and creative endeavors. I believe that we have our own ideas but her sarcasm makes it seem like we are only her for men. I think she went a little over board when she was talking about Hollywood movies. I have seen movies where the guys help the girls or where the girl is the hero in the movie.

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